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All of our automotive courses have been designed to give you the skills you need for a career in the automotive industry.

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As a student at college, you’ll study in our purpose-built workshops which mirror what it’s like to work in the industry and are fully equipped with all the latest tools and technologies which you would expect in the workplace.

Courses led by experts

Our tutors also maintain an involvement with the auto industry to ensure they are passing on the most up-to-date skills to our students.

Hydrogen and Electrical Vehicles

We are passionate about making sustainable changes to be at the forefront of education and technology in the local area. The team are excited to be training the future leaders of the industry in specialist technologies and to also provide local businesses with the opportunity to upskill and train in our facilities. The college has also secured a hydrogen fuel card for the vehicle. There are only six stations in the country, we are fortunate to have one in close proximity between Sheffield and Rotherham.  

Minor plus est. Hoc modo oportet nos esse ducem. Nimis multae viae ducunt ut pereant. Expectationes nostro consilio implere debemus. Tantus labor non sit cassus.

12TH MAY 2024

Chesterfield College Open Day

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We can help you find the right course

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