This qualification is aimed at those with advanced prior experience of Art & Design at Level 3 or above or those individuals who are looking to advance or stimulate or reinvigorate their own Art & Design practice.
This 1 year course is designed to build on your prior experience and, in short, comprises of 2 stages: an exploratory stage and a confirmation studies stage. The exploratory stage provides you with the opportunity to explore a number of art based disciplines and experiences such as fine art, textiles, illustration, print-making, photography, ceramics and design.
During the exploratory stage you will focus on a broad range of skills and techniques. This is your chance to build on your skills and understanding and develop design, craft skills and techniques. At points throughout the exploratory stage you will be rotating between each discipline to fully sample and experiment each pathway.
The confirmation studies stage helps you to become independent as you prepare for a final major project and an exhibition of your work. You will be undertaking a variety of projects which will include a wide range of materials and techniques. By the end of each year you will have a strong portfolio of work and will have completed final projects where you will have explored an area or product of your choice.