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Digital Technologies are working with 12 different countries to develop an interactive web platform

14 March 2022

Our Digital Technologies students are currently working on a European wide project that is gathering best teaching practices and experiences from 12 different countries. They are then developing an interactive, 3D, web platform to disseminate this and share this teaching practice. In November 2021 we welcomed a group of teachers from schools and colleges across Europe. Their visit was part of the Erasmus+ funded ‘Lessons from Lockdown’ project. Just before half term some of our Level 3 Programming students had a meeting with the clients (who were in Slovakia at the time, over teams) to discuss progress. The clients – made up of Managers, directors and educators from Poland, Slovakia and the UK stated it was the highlight of the day. We asked Paul Oxborough, creative director of Momentum World, an organisation that has been working with young people internationally for the last 12 years, to tell us more about the purpose of the project. As one of the official partners of the project he told us: “This project is a chance to explore the innovation that has come out of the pandemic. Organisations have looked at new creative ways of engaging with their students. We wanted to gather sixty case studies and lesson plans from across 12 countries. Those lesson plans will be embedded into a virtual space that is being created by staff and students at Chesterfield College. I am very proud that this project is happening in my home town.” Follow this link to read about the project in detail and find out what the group got up to on their visit in November.