AQA GCSE Sociology, AQA GCSE Biology and AQA GCSE Psychology. GCSE’s in Maths and English can also fit into this where needed. The course is designed for those wishing to study A-levels or access to HE courses but are either not ready for this level yet or not yet meeting the requirements. For example, an adult learner wishing to study access to HE – where they have not achieved their GCSE English requirement for the course, they could study GCSE English and perhaps a further GCSE if they so wish. Example two – an A-level candidate does not meet the entry requirements for A-level study – they may enrol onto a full time GCSE programme of study to gain higher grades.
Course Structure
Psychology – students will learn an array of topic areas including the below: Cognition and behaviour
- Memory
- Perception
- Development
- Research methods
Social context and behaviour
- Social influence
- Language, thought and communication
- Brain and neuropsychology
- Psychological problems
Sociology – This specification requires students to:
Draw on information and evidence from different sources and demonstrate the ability to synthesise them analyse and evaluate different research methods used in sociological investigations and assess, critically, the appropriateness of their use
analyse and evaluate information and evidence presented in different written, visual and numerical forms apply their understanding to explore and debate the current sociological issues outlined in each of the topic areas use sociological theories and evidence to compare and contrast social issues, construct reasoned arguments and debates, make substantiated judgements and draw conclusions draw connections between the different topic areas studied.
- The sociological approach
- Social structures, social processes and social issues
- Families
- Education
- Crime and deviance
- Social stratification
- Sociological research methods
Biology – topics to include:
- Cell biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance, variation and evolution
- Ecology
- Key ideas
Entry Requirements
Minimum grade 3’s at GCSE level
Assessment methods
Examinations – externally marked
Fees and funding
Please contact the college for funding information.
Successful completion of the course will give you the opourtunity to progress onto an A-level programme of study depending on grade outcomes. As an adult learner this could help an adult to gain entry onto access to HE courses.
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