Staff Step Challenge Success
10 June 2022Starting the 1st of May the Xtra Energy team set about creating a Staff step challenge, the aim was to design a challenge that will target individuals with low activity levels to increase their daily activity. But to also challenge those who already have high levels of daily activity, to go above and beyond.
The race for 1st position has been interesting and rather unpredictable to expect at times, this reflects the level of engagement there has been. Staff members have been competing with each other and also gaining so much from this personally, it has driven those who usually are quite sedentary to get up and move. We had 19 members of Staff sign up and actively send their step data weekly, each member of Staff has had a different perspective on why they took part and what they gained from this.
Hayley Seward from the Teaching Learning and Quality Lead department speaks about her drive for this challenge, telling the Xtra ENERGY team how her wellbeing has improved and her motivation for the outdoors has increased;
“It’s motivated me to go out at lunch times rather than sit at my desk, which has been great for my wellbeing.”
Jennie Swistak and her already well established love of walks, states that this challenge has really pushed her to go on more walks and runs thanks to a combination of Couch to 5k and the Staff step challenge;
“I have enjoyed the step challenge. I’ve always gone out for walks at lunchtime to make sure I get a proper break at lunch however this challenge has encouraged me to go for another walk after work when I have got home. Before this step challenge started, I had already started couch to 5k (again), so these runs have also contributed to my step count. I have seen a change in my mental health since exercising more and I have seen some physical changes as well.”
“I do feel that on days when I don’t run I’m motivated to do extra walking after work as well as at Lunchtime. The Mental Health benefits are brilliant, I’ve definitely seen a change in how I’m feeling mentally and can see some Physical changes as well. I managed a 25 minute run on Saturday, which felt like a huge achievement for me.”
Carla Palmer from the MIS team has found a lot of profound meaning in this challenge, stating that her rebuilt ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) has benefitted from this challenge and that she has attempted things such as tackling Mam Tor. Mam Tor is a 517m hill near Castleton in the High Peak of Derbyshire. Landslips have caused Mam Tor to have various mini-hills before the main hill, the name Mam Tor is a literal translation of “mother hill” due to the various inclines.
“This challenge has been great fun and normally I wouldn’t engage in something like this but I am glad I did. I have literally doubled the steps I normally do and I am currently 9lb lighter in a month. I had an ACL cruciate ligament rebuilt a few years ago and have struggled with my knee since, but from all the walking I have been doing it has been feeling stronger so I was inspired to take on another challenge to go up Mam Tor at the weekend which was not easy but I made it! Sandra and I have been having a little in house battle so this has probably spurred us both on to do more J You don’t need to see my blotchy red face but here’s my dog happy to be heading down the mountain.”
“This number of steps is not normal for me I usually do 10,000 a day owning a dog; but I’m really pushing for it. The step challenge has been an incentive for me as I need to lose some weight and get out more…. So thank you! My legs are definitely complaining a little now thoughJ.”
Carla has seen a dramatic weight loss which she purely believes is down to the step challenge helping her to increase her steps. Even stating that she has not gone on any diet or made any changes to her eating habits whatsoever;
“I thought that I might weigh myself this morning and was amazed that I’ve lost half a stone since mid-March (19/05/22). That’s purely down to walking more because I’ve not changed my diet at all J.”
Some Staff members have been amazed at what they’re capable of and believe that the step challenge has given them incentive to get up and move a little bit more than usual. Other Staff members have also seen how their travelling habits have also changed, as one particular staff member decided to walk instead of taking the car on a few occasions to work;
“I enjoy walking, more coming into work than walking home after but, yes I think this step challenge did sway my decision not to take the car on a couple of days.”
Robert Huskinson from the Digital, Media & Graphics department believes that the step challenge has been a positive affirmation, as to why he got into Fitness/Coaching in the first place. With a well thought out piece of advice that other’s could potentially take into consideration, in regards to joining a challenge of some sort in the future or even just trying to get healthier in general;
“Staying active and healthy is a part of managing my own lifestyle but also it’s a massive part of the business that I work on outside of what I do in college, so for me personally I was already tracking this information and it is just collecting the evidence to showcase that for this challenge. For me personally it’s just been good to be taking part in something that helps promote well-being and moving our bodies through space. Because for most people we all believe and think that exercise has to be these unsustainable things such as massive runs, marathons and high-level athletic performance and we completely negate the fact that actually moving and being active can be as simple as taking a walk. Holding ourselves accountable to what we set out originally to do is the best way to guarantee a result. This step challenge has been one way of being able to remind ourselves of the small things that we can do every day to live a happier lifestyle, with less pain and better cardiovascular health. It’s just been a pleasure to be taking part in something that helps promote well-being.”
Overall the Xtra ENERGY team have had an excellent uptake in the step challenge and have also given extra incentive by giving spot prizes. The prizes in question are Gymshark resistance bands & Vouchers to ASOS, Cineworld & a multitude of Restaurants, these have been given to the individuals who finished in 7th and 15th position. This was done to help keep participant’s morale high and to help everyone finish strong. Carla Palmer who won the step challenge was given a Fitbit Versa 3, the prize itself was curated to help allow the winner to ensure autonomy and longevity in their physical lives, post step challenge. The winner Carla Palmer, made a final comment to others who maybe out there looking to improve their physical and mental wellbeing;
“It has inspired me to get moving, improved my wellbeing spending more time outside and increase camaraderie between work colleagues and I would definitely promote others to be involved in future events.!”