For many of us, we see our online lives and offline lives very differently. For some people that distinction is simply not there and it is just life. More and more people are using online technology for different things and we often do not spot the dangers and risks when using online platforms and technology. Technology is ever-changing and it is often difficult to keep up with the pace. What is important is knowing how to keep safe online, how to identify the risks and more importantly what to do if you have a concern for yourself or others.

What can you do?
· Consider what information should be kept private and decide on rules for making and meeting online friends.
· Ensure you know the possible risks of accepting friend requests from strangers online.
· Make sure you are using strong passwords to protect online accounts. It is important that passwords are kept safe. Do not share them with anyone or use the same password for several accounts.
· Do not allow other people to use your devices when using your personal information.
· Safety settings are important when using webcams and any applications or devices which allow voice or video chat. Childnet have useful information for young people about using webcams safely
· Ensure that you know how to block and report inappropriate content. Talk to someone about this and where possible do not retaliate or respond to incidents. Keep any evidence you have, should the matter be investigated at a higher level.
· Remember, once a picture, video or comment is sent or posted online, it can be very difficult to remove as other people can forward it and share it with others, without you knowing.
If you, or someone you know is at risk of harm you can contact the Safeguarding Team at Chesterfield College on 01246 500688 or email
NSPCC You can anonymously text 88858 for free and the Helpline will send an automated confirmation response followed by a specific response from a Helpline practitioner within three hours.
Advice for parents
Consider locating electronic devices in a family area. You can access the internet on mobile phones, games consoles and tablets etc. so it is not always possible to supervise the activity.
Install antivirus software, and secure your internet connection.
Parental Control functions for computers, mobile phones and games consoles to block unsuitable content or contact from unknown people are available on many platforms and sites to ensure safety.
There are many different options in relation to parental control software and tools available and you can find more information here, including reporting concerns. Visit Internet Matters and Safer Internet for safety Parental guidance and safety recommendations can be located on Net Aware. This includes age-appropriate apps and current up to date advice and guidance.
Remember that parental control tools are not always 100% effective, other safety measures must be considered.
Take an active interest in your child’s life online and talk openly with them about the things they do.
Ask them to show or even teach you how they use the internet, learn which websites or tools they like to use and why. Learning together with your child can often open opportunities to discuss safe behaviour online.
A good conversation starter may be to start a conversation with your child you could tell them that you understand that some young people share images and videos online and that you’re interested to know what they think about it and how they think they can keep themselves safe. Child Net and Think UK Now have some really useful tips and ideas for parents/carers about starting conversations about online safety.
Make sure your child knows it’s important that they tell an adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel scared, worried or uncomfortable, this can be reported to the College Safeguarding Team on 01246 500688 or by emailing If the child is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the Police on 101 or 999.
Online fraud, scams, cybercrime and phishing
Contact Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre on 0300 123 2040.
Fraud and cybercrime - To report fraud, attempted fraud or cybercrime and receive a police crime reference number visit the Action Fraud website.
Phishing - If you’ve received a potential scam message or computer virus, but no money has been lost or you haven’t responded to it, report a phishing attempt.
The Action Fraud website also has useful resources and information about support and prevention.
Other types of online crime e.g. stalking, harassment, grooming, hate crime etc.
If you want to report any other sort of online crime such as stalking, harassment, fears about grooming or a hate crime, contact Derbyshire Constabulary or telephone: 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also report via their Facebook and Twitter pages.
Safeguarding and Prevent (counter-terrorism) concerns
If you have concerns about a child or an adult at risk, then you should make a safeguarding referral via Call Derbyshire 01629 533190 (24hr adults and children)
Children are triaged via Starting Point. There is also an advice line for calls regarding children 01629 53 53 53 (Mon – Fri 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Prevent – If you think someone (adult or child) is being radicalised online, then you should make a Prevent Referral.
If you need advice about a Prevent related issues, you can email
Online child sexual abuse
If you are worried about online child sexual abuse, you can report it online to Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)
If you discover an online image or video of child sexual abuse, please report it online to the Internet Watch Foundation.
Derbyshire Victim Services
If you have been affected by cybercrime, and need emotional support or advice on what to do next, you can contact Derbyshire Victim Services, which provides a free, confidential support service.
The service is available 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday and 9 am to 1 pm on a Saturday. Tel: 0800 6126505 or text ‘COREDVS’ to 82228. You can also email
Young people who need advice about their online concerns can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or visit the Childline website.
The Childline website has an online 1-2-1 counsellor chat facility as well as information and advice on online safety.
Removal of unwanted images (under 18)
If you’re under 18 and a nude image or video of you has been shared online, you can report it via Childline’s website and ask for it to be removed from the internet.
Offensive or abusive behaviour
Don’t forget, that you should also report any offensive or abusive behaviour online by using the ‘report tool’ within the app or website.
The provider can remove posts and may block the account of any users who post abusive or offensive content.
You can also visit the Report Harmful Content website for further advice.
Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Support Line
If you are worried about online abuse from a current or ex-partner or family member, you can access free, confidential advice and support via the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 198 668, provided by the Elm Foundation.
You can also text 07534 617252 or email to access the service. Webchat is also available via the Elm Foundation website Monday to Friday 8 am to 7 pm. Outside of these hours, the service will send an email, with a follow-up response provided as soon as possible.
In an emergency, or if anyone is in any immediate danger, always call 999.
Stop Hate UK
Anyone who has been targeted online or in ‘real life’, because of their race, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation can contact Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625, text 07717 989025 or visit the Stop Hate website. Stop Hate UK offers another way of reporting hate crimes to your local police and can offer support and advice to victims, witnesses and third parties.
Useful Contacts
Safer Derbyshire Digital MOT – free cybersecurity assessment tool
Get Safe Online – covers all aspects of online safety messages.
Cyber Aware – government-backed website based on expert advice from the National Cyber Security Centre.
National Cyber Security Centre – helping to make the UK the safest place to live and work online
Take 5 to Stop Fraud – offers advice to help everyone in the UK protect themselves against financial fraud.
No more ransom – online decryption tools and prevention advice.
Have I been pwned – check if your email account has been part of a data breach.
Mencap Safe Surfing – free downloadable training materials for use with people with a learning disability
SHARE Checklist – use before you like, comment or share content online.
Think U Know – online safety advice for children aged 4+, parents and carers and those who work with children.
Childnet – a national charity providing expert online safety advice for young people, parents and teachers.
UK Safer Internet Centre – online safety advice for parents and carers
Parent Zone – provides online safety advice for parents and carers.
NSPCC Net Aware – guide to social networks.
NSPCC Online Safety – advice for parents and carers.
Age UK Staying Safe Online – online safety advice for adults