We are here to support you.

The aim of Early Help is to provide the right support and intervention to students, apprentices and their families at an early stage to prevent an increase in need or escalation of problems by offering information, advice and support where a child or family may require more co-ordinated support from more than one agency. (e.g, education, health, housing etc.)
The Early Help Assessment is a shared assessment across local authorities. Collaborative practice is essential as part of the process and we will work with other professional and partner agencies to ensure that we utilise all resources, support and interventions with positive outcomes at the forefront of our minds.
Our dedicated team will work closely with the student/apprentice/family to explore what support is needed and what is working well in their lives, recognising the importance of focused planning for interventions and bringing about positive change for all.
For more information contact our dedicated team who will be happy to offer advice and guidance:
Call: 01246 500500 extension 1688
Email: Earlyhelp@chesterfield.ac.uk