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Chesterfield College has joined other colleges in signing the Association of Colleges national mental health and wellbeing charter which outlines our commitment to supporting students, apprentices and staff with mental health and well-being.

We understand just how important mental health and well-being are and the impact this can have on our daily lives. By signing the charter and pledging our commitment to improve and develop our provision, ethos and resources, we are actively supporting and promoting mental health and well-being in our college community.

Student reading book

Our commitments:

  • Ensuring that well-being and mental health work is led by a senior manager supported by a member of staff with particular responsibility for mental health
  • Having a well-being and mental health policy accompanied by a clear implementation action plan which is monitored regularly and reviewed annually
  • Creating an open and inclusive college ethos which includes respect for those with mental ill health
  • Promoting equality of opportunity and challenging mental health stigma through curriculum teaching and also by promoting well-being through tutorial programmes
  • Encouraging and collecting student views on mental health and wellbeing by working with the Student Union and other student representative bodies
  • Providing appropriate mental health training for staff
  • Ensuring a consistent and positive approach to staff well-being
  • Providing targeted individual mental health support where appropriate or alternatively signposting to external support services
  • Providing relevant information to parents and carers
  • Establishing effective links with local health services and voluntary sector mental health providers
  • Promoting the benefit that physical activity and sport has on mental health