Whether you are leaving college to pursue your dream career or if you want a part-time job alongside your studies, it is essential that you have a great CV. Our careers team can help you with CV writing to give you the edge when applying for jobs or apprenticeships.
What is a CV?
A CV is a short document which summarises your skills, education and experience; and is a great way to really sell yourself to potential employers.
Your CV should be as concise as possible and shouldn’t be any longer than two sides of A4. Make sure you also use a clear and easy to read black font.
The key to writing a successful CV is to provide a polished, professional description of your work experience, education and skills.
How to make a start on your CV
Name and contact details
Make sure your contact details are accurate! Include your name, address, phone number and email address (make sure your email address sounds professional – if in doubt, stick to your name!)
Work experience
Start with your most recent employment and work backwards. Don’t forget to include the dates of your employment and a short description of the role and your responsibilities. If you’ve never worked before try to include some volunteering or work experience you did whilst at school or college.
Education and qualifications
Again start with your most recent place of education (in this case Chesterfield College) and include the qualifications you achieved whilst studying there. Don’t forget your CV provides you with an opportunity to shine – if you didn’t do particularly well in one of your GCSEs for example, you don’t have to include it on your CV.
Interests and hobbies
You don’t have to include this bit on your CV but it does help to get your personality across to employers and could help you stand out. Where possible try to include hobbies which are related to the job you are applying for. For example if you are applying for a job working in a garage, now is the time to mention your crazy classic car obsession.
Every CV needs two references. These should be from people you know in a professional way. Generally your referees should be past employers but if you haven’t had much work experience you can ask your tutors or progress coaches to provide you with a reference.
Before you press submit, don’t forget to proof read your CV! It can be easy to overlook a tiny mistake, but you can bet that your employer will spot it. It’s a good idea to use spell check or get a friend or family member to read through it for you.
And finally, you should always keep your CV up-to-date and personalised for each role you apply for. There’s nothing worse than submitting your CV then realising you’ve missed off your latest qualification.