Learn about all the additional support available to you whilst studying at Chesterfield College.
Quiet spaces
Some areas of college get quite busy. If you need somewhere to manage your stress, come to the Wellbeing Hub, the library, Taste, or The Arches.
EHCP Learners
You will still have EHCP reviews each year. The SEND Team organise some of these and the Local Authority organise the rest.
The SEND team will contact you in September to make sure you know who your ‘go to’ person is in our team.
Learner Inclusion Plans
Learner Inclusion Plans tell staff important information about you and your disability.
They include:
- What might be challenging for you in college
- What you’re good at
- What we should provide and what we should do to make things fair, and help you to do your best.
All EHCP learners have a Learner Inclusion Plan. Lots of others learners have one too. Staff can read a range of disability guides, but if they’re not detailed enough for your needs, we can write you a Learning Inclusion Plan.
Mental Health Assessments
If you tell college you have a mental health difficulty such as anxiety or PTSD, then the Safeguarding team will contact you to see if you would like a Mental Health Assessment. This is a chance to plan what strategies will help you in college.
Sunflower Lanyards
Lots of learners choose to wear a sunflower lanyard. It means “I have a hidden disability”
They are often issued with an Adjustments Permit.
Staff know to be a bit more patient with these learners.
They help learners realise they are not the only one!
Learning Technologies
Is it hard to focus in class?
Is it hard to read lots of information?
Is it hard to put your ideas in writing?
Is it hard to ask for help in class?
Is it hard to keep up?
Ask staff about using technology e.g.
· Immersive reader
· Dictate
· Mobile phone functions
· Reading pens
· Coloured overlays
· Music
· And lots more.
Exam access arrangements
- Access arrangements from school do not automatically carry over from school.
- If we don’t know about your disability, you might not get exam access arrangements. It’s really helpful to tell us about your disability, on your application form and enrolment forms.
- Talk to your tutors about exam access arrangements you might need. Do this in September and October.
- Your tutors (of exam subjects) send a referral form to the SEND team.
- The SEND team collect evidence to prove what you need.
- The exams team apply to the awarding body so we’re allowed to give you what you need.
- The rules are strict so try to give us information quickly.
LEAP Mentors
The SEND Team work closely with the (LEAP) Mentors. LEAP stands for Learning Engagement Achievement Progress. Together we provide a holistic wrap-around service which will support you to be successful in your future life and career. This includes helping you with
- personal skills
- social skills
- educational skills
- employability skills
- physical health
- mental health
- wellbeing