Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

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The policy and procedures aim to ensure that:

1. The Chesterfield College Group fully recognises its responsibilities for tackling extremism in all forms and protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from exposure to all types of Radicalisation.

2. Whilst working with all College users; with particular reference to susceptible and vulnerable children, young people and vulnerable adults; the College identifies early signs of Radicalisation and takes appropriate action through Safeguarding reporting procedures to prevent extremist views and ideologies developing, alongside providing a broad curriculum and tutorial scheme in order for students to explore and embed Fundamental British Values and strategies to keep themselves safe.

3. Information relating to the Prevent Duty, including a brief introduction to the term Radicalisation and to what constitutes Fundamental British Values, is readily available on the College website for all stakeholders including parents / carers of students, which also provides clarity on how the College will deal with any incidents, including assisting and advising parents / carers who raise concerns, and available support options.

Read the full Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Policy here