Computing Case Study

BSc Computer Software Development

Callum Fanshawe

“I started getting in to computers around the age of 14; I would build computers, do a bit of programming and even develop my own programmes such as mini games in my spare time. I first came to college after school to do a Level 3 computing qualification; after that it became clear that I wanted to pursue IT, particularly software development at a higher level.

I then started to apply to different universities but I decided that Chesterfield College was ideally suited to me; its local, the courses are validated by universities so you know they are high quality and the group sizes are more manageable meaning we can have more input and support from tutors.

I decided move on to Higher Education because it opens up so many options throughout your whole career.  It’s already opened up the opportunity for me to start my career in web developing at Autotrader in Manchester as part of their graduate scheme. I’ll be working on their website and lots of other exciting things across the whole of their front end system.

Chesterfield College has opened up a clear path for me and what I want to go in to. The course offers lots of different units, not just the practical side of computing. Through formal presentations I’ve been able to develop my communication skills, which really helped me with my interview at Autotrader. Overall, Chesterfield College has given me a much wider view of the industry and the opportunities available within it.”

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