International Nutrition Coach talks to Health and Beauty about sustainable approaches

It was great to hear from International Nutrition Coach Liberty Mills last week. 

Liberty spoke to staff and students from Hair and Beauty all about Integrative Health and Beauty and taking a sustainable, holistic approach to the industry.

We caught up with Liberty after her talk and asked her why it was important to share her journey with our students. She said:

“Education is really important because my journey to where I am wasn’t easy. Maybe the students I talk to are experiencing some ill health or some confidence issues. Personally, I’m dyslexic and in the past I’ve been afraid to take on certain responsibilities in my job due to my dyslexia but I’ve overcome those obstacles or found toolboxes to get me there so why not share them with other people and instil in them that they can do that too and more!”


Liberty also said she had a key piece of advice that she wanted the students to take away from her talk.

“Stop, look and listen to your body!”, she said.  “It tells you everything you’ve got to know. Don’t mask it! Stop, look and listen to it’s language.”

Watch the rest of our chat with Liberty at the video below.

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