From engineering student to full-time tutor

Animesh was a high flyer throughout his education and from July, he will be a full-time tutor at the college in the engineering department. We are amazed by his success, plus his drive and applaud him for his passion for diversity and inclusivity around the industry and, at the college.

School and University

He studied Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Maths at A level before going to Sheffield University to specialise in materials engineering with industrial management. 

Animesh - engineering tutor

Getting involved

At university, Animesh got involved with a lot of clubs and societies around minority work and activist work around the disabled community, BME and LGBTQ+. He is passionate about making sure everyone felt like an equal within the student community. 

He has recently done a podcast with IOM3 Pride on intersectionality in the workplace. 

Enhancing communication skills

Animesh specialised in nuclear materials at university whilst he supported extracurricular societies in his free time. He loved the experience and Sheffield as a city, he engaged with a lot of people from all different backgrounds and age groups which he believes enhanced my communication skills.

Show initiative and building confidence

Apprenticeships and post-graduate jobs have similarities as you are learning on the job. Animesh has found his experiences relate to those going for apprenticeships. “You have to show initiative to be seen and get your foot in the door, it is the same with education and work.”

He believes putting in effort reaps rewards; you will be recognised for your work ethic as well as academia – It’s important you develop your confidence as well as knowledge around the subject.

At the college, we are passionate about building life skills as well as knowledge for the industry. We believe that building confidence and being able to talk to a range of people is an important attribute to succeed in the working world. 

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