After college – things to know

Derbyshire local offer 

If you want information about support services in your area, check your Local Authority’s local offer page online. 

Home – Derbyshire Local Offer 

SEND Careers and Progression Events 

All EHCP learners and their parents will get an email invitation to the event. 

We will share information around college in the spring term. 

Careers support  

If you need a careers appointment, someone from the SEND team can join you. 


It’s important to consider all the challenges related to University. It’s not just about the right course. Think about:
-The costs
-The location 
-The travelling
-The accommodation
-The level of independence needed
-The support with study
-The support with getting to know people
-The wellbeing support
 Consider living at home, if all that will be too much all in one go. 

Disabled Students | Advice And Financial Support | UCAS 

Access to work Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is – GOV.UK ( 

Employment support Intensive Personalised Employment Support: What is Intensive Personalised Employment Support – GOV.UK (