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Embark on a journey towards financial expertise with Accounting studies at Chesterfield College.

Quick find:

Whether you’re seeking full-time immersion or prefer 
a flexible approach with part-time options, our comprehensive programs cater to diverse learning needs.

Courses led by experts

Minor plus est. Hoc modo oportet nos esse ducem. Nimis multae viae ducunt ut pereant. Expectationes nostro consilio implere debemus. Tantus labor non sit cassus.

Accounting courses led by experts on the industry. It adds up.


Students successfully enroll for either HE or the next level of the advanced diploma course.

Michaela Greaves

Assistant Principal Teaching, Learning and Quality Improvement

Tom Kidsley

Assistant Principal Finance, 
IT and Estates

Jo Down

Assistant Principal Student Experience and Wellbeing

Minor plus est. Hoc modo oportet nos esse ducem. Nimis multae viae ducunt ut pereant. Expectationes nostro consilio implere debemus. Tantus labor non sit cassus.

12TH MAY 2024

Chesterfield College Open Day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec placerat, ipsum ac auctor ornare, nunc ligula scelerisque eros.

We can help you find the right course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec placerat, ipsum ac auctor ornare, nunc ligula scelerisque eros.