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Location Chesterfield College
Start date 15 Sep 2025
Type Full-time Provision
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The aims of the Access to HE Diploma (Education Professions) are to:

  • prepare students who are returning to education for progression to Higher Education, further training in a related vocational or occupational area
  • help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve on their chosen HE course or career pathway
  • help students to gain confidence in their abilities, to review and monitor their own progress and to become independent students
  • develop students’ research, planning, analytical and evaluation skills
  • enable students to make informed choices about their future progression routes
  • develop specific education related skills and knowledge to enhance employment prospects
  • help students to understand the role of education in the world at large
  • support students to develop education related skills, expertise and knowledge
  • support students in their understanding of the ethical, moral and legal obligations of education organisations.

Course Structure

During this course you will learn modules such as:

  • Play in the curriculum
  • Safegaurding
  • Social interaction
  • Working with children with additional needs and much more.

Units covered with touch on Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Early Years, Study Skills and Education. This is an ideal course for some one who would like to work in education and it provides a gatway for entry to higher eduction.

Entry Requirements

There are no compulsory entry requirements for this Diploma, however the following qualifications are suggested for entry to this qualification; GCSE grade C/4 or Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Mathematics.

Assessment methods

A mixture of, Reports, Essays, Examinations, Debates, Simulation/Role play, Presentation.

Fees and funding

Please contact the college for funding information.


Providers and others wishing to adopt or utilise the Access to HE Diploma (Education Professions) have suggested the following possible progression routes for students:

  • Early Childhood Studies
  • Primary Education/Early Years with QTS
  • Social Work
  • Secondary Teaching
  • Working with Children and Young Families
  • Education Studies
  • Learning and Teaching Degrees.



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